Pizza Hut has been releasing interesting new items recently. One of them is a thinner and, supposedly, crunchier pizza, the Mega Crunch. It is available for all the flavors so I ordered one with my favorite flavor, Cheese Supreme.
The Box:

One thing you’ll notice, which I forgot to photograph, is that the box is thinner and, as such, not as sturdy as their regular pizza boxes. I don’t know if this is to fit with the theme of the pizza which is being “thinner” but I don’t really like it.
The Pizza:

Looks good right? No. I only fixed it since, if you look closely, the mozzarella seems flattened to a certain direction right? Well, this is because the top half of the pizza slid over the bottom half and spread the mozzarella over the side of the bottom half and beneath the crust of the top half. I believe this happened due to 2 reasons:
- Thinner box is more flexible thus more prone to bumps during delivery.
- The pizza table plastic thing doesn’t fit the thinner box.
The Slice:

Can’t really focus but from the pic above, you can see how thin it is. As for the crunch, it was crunchier except in the center part where it seemed to be soggy. The further you bite from the center though, the crunchier it gets so at least that fits with the new theme. As to whether I can recommend it, maybe the regular size would be better if we consider the price/taste ratio. IMO, it’s fine if it’s the regular size but ₱629 for a large thin pizza, that doesn’t stand out in taste, doesn’t seem to be a rational decision. Anyways, to each his/her own.
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