Tag: Docker
Redis Fiasco
With all the fuss over Redis’ licensing change, I’m left scrambling for a drop-in replacement for both my personal, and work systems. I was initially going to go for Valkey but since they don’t have an official Docker image yet (STABLE), I’ve opted to use KeyDB for now. I’ve migrated all my managed systems and…
Shifting to Podman
In my eternal quest for leaner installations, I’ve been monitoring Podman ever since and it seems it’s already reached a level where I’m thinking of exploring how to shift my Docker systems to it. First step has already been taken where I’ve modified my compose to not use unqualified search registries. Next would be to…
Oracle Containerization
Due to circumstances outside my control, I’ve been forced to experiment with containerizing Oracle databases so, I thought, why not use pluggable databases as well since I’m experimenting? So I did. 😂 What I’m worried about is how it handles minor point updates or IF they even have minor point updates. Now, it’s always a…